Terms & Conditions

Your dog(s) must have current vaccinations &/or booster jabs

You have confirmed your dog(s) is not on the banned dog breed list. If it is please contact us to arrange a booking and specific requirements we need in advance. 

The fields must be booked and paid in advance of your visit, unless prior arrangement has been made with Houla Hounds

Your time slot includes loading & unloading your dog(s) and the walk to & from the field. Please respect other users and ensure you and your dog(s) are secured in your vehicle by the end of your time slot.

Your dog(s) must be kept on a lead at all times except when you are within your secure field and the gate is securely closed.

You are responsible for your dog(s) at all times and to ensure they are under your control.

No dog(s) are to be left unattended in the fields. Houla Hounds accepts no responsibility for your dog(s).

When you enter your booked field, ensure the gate is securely closed and inspect the fence to ensure this is suitable for your dog(s).

Houla Hounds will have some toys and poo bags available however would recommend you bring your own. Please ensure all dog poo is disposed in the bins provided at the end of your visit.

The fields are on an incline and can include trees &/or woodland features, please ensure suitable footwear and clothing is worn it can be slippery under foot, especially when wet.

The fields include trees, woodlands & or climbing features for your dog(s). These are for your dog(s) use only and people must not climb.

When leaving the field please remember to lock the gates behind you.

Houla Hounds reserve the right to cancel bookings in the event of inclement weather, emergency access required to the fields and/or any previous misuse from the booker, a full refund will be issued.

Bookings can be re-scheduled up to 48 hours before your reservations at the discretion of Houla Hounds. Please contact us should you need to re-arrange.

Houla Hounds does not accept any abuse or mistreatment of animals. This includes your dog(s), others dog(s) and we do occasionally have wildlife coming onto the site.

Houla Hounds will not accept excessive noise and will follow up all complaints with the potential for a customer to be banned for repeat instances.